Monday 22 October 2012

Evaluation on Improvements

Use of equipment
When i started the course i did not know how to use the mac computers and i didn't know how to use photoshop and final cut when doing my work for example when we did movie poster and and an opening sequence at the beginning of the course. Also it was my first time using blogger and google docs everything that i was using in media nationals was new to me. I had a little knowledge of what to do. Things like using a tripod when filming was new to me and using the scanner to scan in my media work was something that i hadn't done before. The equipment that i was using  took time getting used to because it was first time using it. At the beginning of the course i was not confident  doing curtain projects because i had a little knowledge of using the programmes.

Saving/storing material  
At the start of the course i created a media nationals folder but because i was doing so much i had forgotten to save my work in the folder so when it came to blogging my work on blogger it became hard for me to find my work. In the end i created another folder which was easy for me to post my work. I put my work in order and made sure that everything is spelt correctly  so that i know what i have done first in the course.

working accurately
when i am doing my work on photoshop in unit 2 i have had to make sure that my work is neatly presentable and that when it comes to analysing my work that there are correct spellings and the written part to my work has been done. that my headlines for my magazine is in Bold, there are correct spelling also that i have checked that there are capital letters to all the works that start the sentences. When i was doing unit 2 my report and treatment i had to make sure that i had good punctuation and grammar. When i was working on photoshop and croping my pictures and text that it was done neatly and shown  in a presentable way.

When i first started the course my creative skills was not that good  because i did not know how to use a lot of the programmes so i was trying to get used to the software this had a massive effect on my creativity because i did not know what i was doing. After i started knowing what to do my creativity skills improved because i knew what i was doing which helped me when i was doing analysing magazine covers. However when it came to me being creative i had no ideas on what to do or how to layout my work and i managed to overcome this by doing some research on the internet or listening to what other people are planning to do. putting things in a brainstorm and laying them out so that i know exactly what i am going to do. This has helped me on my creativity skills because by doing this i know what i am doing and it makes it easier for me to do my work.

Strongest skills
My strongest skill at the beginning of the course was when we had to create an opening sequence and i had to use the tripod. This has improved because now i feel a bit more confident using photoshop as I know a bit short cut skills when it comes to cropping my work on. I still have some weak skills but the knowledge of how to use the softwares has improved. My strongest skill is when it comes to creating my own magazine and when it came to creating my own music video and using photoshop to crop my pictures and laying them out.  This has been improving because i am always learning new skills when it comes to working on photoshop and final cut as well as the other softwares that i use when doing my work

skills that need improvement
There are a lot of skills that I still need to improve because my skill of using photoshop is not that great and knowing the shortcuts and how to make my pictures and writing look neat and have a good layout which i still need to work on. Using final cut is one of my weakness skill that i need to improve on because i am still struggling to use it and how to move and edit my video for example when i had to edit the video that i had put on the macs for the opening sequence I found that something that i need to improve on. Making sure my page layout is something i have struggled on. These are all skills that i need to improve on as i do the course. For me to be able to improve on my skills i need to go no the internet and look at sites that talk specifically about photoshop and other shortcut skills that i can learn and gain confidence on. Also searching for video tutorials that can teach me how to use photoshop and final cut. Another thing that i can do is to practice on using different tools on photoshop. This can help me gain my skills and make me more confident.