Monday 21 May 2012

Research report

I have been researching about the things that form a music video i have managed to look into various aspects of creating a music video. I managed to look into the artist and who they are also other artists who have the same genre. I analysed the artist’s other music videos i managed to gather what type of style that artist has. I looked on the internet to help me when it came to making a music video and i did get some filmmaking tips on how to create everything also put all the pieces together. I wanted to create a music video and the lyrics had to match the type of video that I was creating with images that had a link to the music video.

From the research I managed to gather all of Chris Brown’s music videos and how he appears to come out in all of them.  I searched about his wardrobe and the type of clothes that he appears in in all of his other music videos. I also used the internet and searched the type of wardrobe that he likes. Watching Chris Brown’s other music videos and getting ideas about what type of shots to do when it comes to creating my own video. Every music video of Chris Brown’s has a different type of attitude and creating this music video I wanted to create an attitude that he hasn't been seen in for example in any of his other music videos i looked at his attitude in his music videos and the type of performance that Chris Brown does. From this I managed to gather the location of Chris Brown’s music videos and using this it has given me ideas about creating my music video. My findings from Chris Brown is that his always wearing either suits or jeans with a top on something thats very simple, classic outfit one that is still in season.

By me doing all this research it has made me change some of my ideas when it comes to creating the music video and writing about it because from the research findings its helped me when it comes knowing what types of things to use when it comes to the wardrobe  and tips about shooting music videos and different  angles shots that are needed to help me place in different scenes of the music video. The type of music video that i will producing has to suit a wide genre of audience because thats the type of artist that Chris Brown appears. The type of people that do watch his music videos are people who listen to RnB