Thursday 22 November 2012

Music Video Analysis

Music Video Analysis

Nicki Minaj’s music videos she shows a crazy theme for example the different hair colours that she has in a music video. she brings this sexual attention which is drawn to her because of what she wears in most of her videos which is hardly anything, she exposes herself as someone who is out there a lot. A similarity in all the music videos is that she has the same hair cut, she shows a lot of flesh in her videos. She uses so many colourful detail and this is very controversial. In the music video  super Bass pastel colours are used to show this girly side of her video which has a “sweet”  theme which contrast to her wild personality, in Moment for life she is wearing classy colours which complements each other. Throughout all of her music videos the thing that is very similar to each other is that she  keeps a girly theme with adding the colour pink or red which is shown in four of the music videos. Also she keeps this crazy theme in all the videos er outfits are the same but are just worn differently. Her music videos are hyper reality as the videos are always exaggerated for instance in “super Bass’ she is in a closed up environment with a colourful background, in ‘moment for life’ she is in a big house which looks like a castle this is very exaggerated because this does not happen in reality as well as in ‘massive attack’ which is in a desert. In ‘your love’ she shows this other fairy style to her. In Nicki Minaj’s videos she shows this crazy lifestyle that most people want to have for example from the clothes that she wears and the people in the background for example her backup dancers. Everything that she does in all her music videos she makes it feel alright for people to do and for girls to wear.

Friday 9 November 2012

music video analysis

Music video Analysis

The video that I have decided to analyse is called Super Bass by Nicki Minaj and the director is Sanaa Hamri.  The genre of  the music is RnB.

The artist is dressed up for the song that she singing.Nicki Minaj constantly wears in bright colours throughout the video this compliments the music video as it goes with the mood of the song. There is a dance routine, which is in most RnB music videos. What she wears is very typical and its to be expected in most of her music videos this is very unusual as there are certain things that she wears that people in the real world wouldn't wear for example she wears a pink jumpsuit this doesn't  advertise to everyone watching the video or the shorts with the white top on and you can see everything that her and the dancers are wearing. Nicki Minaj has different hair colours pink,blonde and green her whole outlook and the way she is dressed shows what type of artist that she is this shows that you don't know what to expect.
Throughout the video the there are so many visuals between the lyrics and the song for example she sings about “this one is for the boys with the boomin System” and in the video there is a car. This song is about dancing and boys and it’s illustrated by having male models in the background. Boys are constantly referred to in the song.

Super bass is a dance music video as the beat cuts to the beat. For example when every time she starts dancing the beat starts playing. There are solo instrumentals like when the beat dies out and she starts singing a slow melody before the beat comes back. From the beginning till the end the music changes pace. When she starts dancing “boom, badoom, boom he got that super bass” and then slowly to the end for the song the pace changes to a slowly “see I don’t need you in my life for me to stay”.

In this video the main theme that the record company is trying to sell and trying to put across is it's a playful world that is shown colourful and cutes . The main theme that this video is to make people listening to the song dance and have a good time The video’s role is selling a piece of her to the audience. For example the clothes that she is wearing and the lipstick and crazy hair all these things are being sold in this video each outfit that Nicki Minaj wears is a figure hugging, bright, colorful and revealing. This video has the same theme in most of her videos because she is trying to sell her lifestyle, it has a vibrant styling and colorful visuals throughout the video Supper bass.

There is a lot of sexual display in the music video, Nicki Minaj who appears at the beginning of the video wearing a tight cat suit and then changes to shorts and a tight tank top. The male models are shown in a sexual way because they are mostly with no clothes on such as tops and are body built good looking and muscular. This portrays the artist’s rich, wealthy lifestyle.
The pool is full of pink water, which is very unrealistic and there is a scene where Nicki pours the pink liquid down her chest, this is a sexual scene and is slowed down and zoomed into to appeal to the male audience. This is a recurring thing in most of her videos motif as its the same things that she does in all of her videos She presents herself as being very plastic and unnatural

In conclusion this music video is all about bright colours, dancing beats and male models. Nicki Minaj show her lifestyle as being wild and fans and the audience may look up to. It shows how she gives her image of her clothing and the vibe that surrounds her.

Monday 22 October 2012

Evaluation on Improvements

Use of equipment
When i started the course i did not know how to use the mac computers and i didn't know how to use photoshop and final cut when doing my work for example when we did movie poster and and an opening sequence at the beginning of the course. Also it was my first time using blogger and google docs everything that i was using in media nationals was new to me. I had a little knowledge of what to do. Things like using a tripod when filming was new to me and using the scanner to scan in my media work was something that i hadn't done before. The equipment that i was using  took time getting used to because it was first time using it. At the beginning of the course i was not confident  doing curtain projects because i had a little knowledge of using the programmes.

Saving/storing material  
At the start of the course i created a media nationals folder but because i was doing so much i had forgotten to save my work in the folder so when it came to blogging my work on blogger it became hard for me to find my work. In the end i created another folder which was easy for me to post my work. I put my work in order and made sure that everything is spelt correctly  so that i know what i have done first in the course.

working accurately
when i am doing my work on photoshop in unit 2 i have had to make sure that my work is neatly presentable and that when it comes to analysing my work that there are correct spellings and the written part to my work has been done. that my headlines for my magazine is in Bold, there are correct spelling also that i have checked that there are capital letters to all the works that start the sentences. When i was doing unit 2 my report and treatment i had to make sure that i had good punctuation and grammar. When i was working on photoshop and croping my pictures and text that it was done neatly and shown  in a presentable way.

When i first started the course my creative skills was not that good  because i did not know how to use a lot of the programmes so i was trying to get used to the software this had a massive effect on my creativity because i did not know what i was doing. After i started knowing what to do my creativity skills improved because i knew what i was doing which helped me when i was doing analysing magazine covers. However when it came to me being creative i had no ideas on what to do or how to layout my work and i managed to overcome this by doing some research on the internet or listening to what other people are planning to do. putting things in a brainstorm and laying them out so that i know exactly what i am going to do. This has helped me on my creativity skills because by doing this i know what i am doing and it makes it easier for me to do my work.

Strongest skills
My strongest skill at the beginning of the course was when we had to create an opening sequence and i had to use the tripod. This has improved because now i feel a bit more confident using photoshop as I know a bit short cut skills when it comes to cropping my work on. I still have some weak skills but the knowledge of how to use the softwares has improved. My strongest skill is when it comes to creating my own magazine and when it came to creating my own music video and using photoshop to crop my pictures and laying them out.  This has been improving because i am always learning new skills when it comes to working on photoshop and final cut as well as the other softwares that i use when doing my work

skills that need improvement
There are a lot of skills that I still need to improve because my skill of using photoshop is not that great and knowing the shortcuts and how to make my pictures and writing look neat and have a good layout which i still need to work on. Using final cut is one of my weakness skill that i need to improve on because i am still struggling to use it and how to move and edit my video for example when i had to edit the video that i had put on the macs for the opening sequence I found that something that i need to improve on. Making sure my page layout is something i have struggled on. These are all skills that i need to improve on as i do the course. For me to be able to improve on my skills i need to go no the internet and look at sites that talk specifically about photoshop and other shortcut skills that i can learn and gain confidence on. Also searching for video tutorials that can teach me how to use photoshop and final cut. Another thing that i can do is to practice on using different tools on photoshop. This can help me gain my skills and make me more confident.

Monday 21 May 2012

Research report

I have been researching about the things that form a music video i have managed to look into various aspects of creating a music video. I managed to look into the artist and who they are also other artists who have the same genre. I analysed the artist’s other music videos i managed to gather what type of style that artist has. I looked on the internet to help me when it came to making a music video and i did get some filmmaking tips on how to create everything also put all the pieces together. I wanted to create a music video and the lyrics had to match the type of video that I was creating with images that had a link to the music video.

From the research I managed to gather all of Chris Brown’s music videos and how he appears to come out in all of them.  I searched about his wardrobe and the type of clothes that he appears in in all of his other music videos. I also used the internet and searched the type of wardrobe that he likes. Watching Chris Brown’s other music videos and getting ideas about what type of shots to do when it comes to creating my own video. Every music video of Chris Brown’s has a different type of attitude and creating this music video I wanted to create an attitude that he hasn't been seen in for example in any of his other music videos i looked at his attitude in his music videos and the type of performance that Chris Brown does. From this I managed to gather the location of Chris Brown’s music videos and using this it has given me ideas about creating my music video. My findings from Chris Brown is that his always wearing either suits or jeans with a top on something thats very simple, classic outfit one that is still in season.

By me doing all this research it has made me change some of my ideas when it comes to creating the music video and writing about it because from the research findings its helped me when it comes knowing what types of things to use when it comes to the wardrobe  and tips about shooting music videos and different  angles shots that are needed to help me place in different scenes of the music video. The type of music video that i will producing has to suit a wide genre of audience because thats the type of artist that Chris Brown appears. The type of people that do watch his music videos are people who listen to RnB

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Magazine Proposal

Milagro Kasese
Room 41
Thomas Adams school
Lowe Hill Road
Shropshire SY4 5UB

The magazine proposal for this magazine would be Beatz

The purpose of Beatz  magazine is to entertain, advice and to tell people about the latest news that’s been out such as the latest gossip on celebrities, the latest fashion trends and new albums and  upcoming tours. It’s a magazine that’s different because it offers everything in one. The closest magazine competition would be Vibe because it also talks about music . Beatz is different because it talks about the whole media entertainment rather than just music. This magazine is different its offers a unique style for a group of people that are interested in the music, Fashion and gossip and knowing about the latest style. Each week brings a new theme and more about the latest news on fashion and music

Beatz magazine is different to any other magazine in the sense that it talks about music as well as the latest fashion trends and gossip about celebrities it gives the reader a taste of everything about lifestyle. the magazine would be bold so that it stands out and the image would start off with Alicia Keys a celebrity but every week it would change. The setting of Beatz would be in a white with different background colours so that it represents causal but also attracts different people looking for a magazine that is based on different topics. The purpose of this Beatz magazine is to inform people more about what's going on in the media and music industry, as the content of the magazine the model “Alicia Keys” will be posing on the front cover. It will feature her dressed in a top and denim jeans. I am trying to across the feeling of something that is new and is meant to be exciting to read.

The target audience of this magazine is teenagers and older people people who are interested in music, the latest fashion and gossip. Beatz magazine attracts people who are into knowing the latest about the media and this magazine is going to make them read it because its going to have everything that they like knowing about.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Music video Analysis

The video that I have decided to analyse is called Super Bass by Nicki Manaj and the director is Sanaa Hamri. The genre of the music is RnB.

The artist is dressed up for the song that she singing. There is a dance routine, which is in most RnB music videos.
Throughout the video the there are so many visuals between the lyrics and the song for example she sings about “this one is for the boys with the boomin System” and in the video there is a car. This song is about dancing and boys and it’s illustrated by having male models in the background. Boys are constantly referred to in the song.

Super bass is a dance music video as the beat cuts to the beat for example when every time she starts dancing the beat starts playing. There are solo instrumentals like when the bet dies out and she starts singing a slow melody before the beat comes back. From the beginning till the end the music changes the pace. When she starts dancing “boom, badoom, boom he got that super bass” and then slowly to the end for the song the pace changes to a slowly “see I don’t need you in my life for me to stay”.

In this video the main theme that the record company is trying to sell and trying to put across is it's a playful worldly its shown colorful and cutes . The main theme that this video is selling is Nicki Manaj it’s selling a piece of her to the audience. For example the clothes that she is wearing and the lipstick and crazy hair all these things are being sold in this video each outfit that Nicki Minaj wears is a figure hugging, bright, colorful and revealing. This video has the same theme in most of videos because in all her videos she is trying to sell her lifestyle, it has a vibrant styling and colorful visuals throughout the video Supper bass.

There is a lot of sexual display in the music video, Nicki Minaj who appears at the beginning of the video wearing a tight cat suit and then changes to shorts and a tight tank top. The male models are shown in a sexual way because they are mostly with no clothes on such as tops and are body built good looking and muscly. This portrays the artist’s rich, wealthy lifestyle along with appealing.
The pool is full of pink water, which is very unrealistic and there is a scene where Nicki pours the pink liquid down her chest, this is a sexual scene and is slowed down and zoomed into to appeal to the male audience.

In conclusion this music video is all about bright colours, dancing beats and male models. Nicki Minaj show her lifestyle as being wild and fans and the audience may look up to. It shows how she gives her image of her clothing and the vibe that surrounds her.